The Sunshine Blogger Award and The Blogger Recognition Award: Two Awards for the Price of One

Last month, Rebecca from Taking Up Room nominated me for two awards, the Sunshine Blogger Award and the Blogger Recognition Award! But because January was such a busy month for me, I had to postpone my award post to February. Now, I’m finally able to accept these awards from Rebecca! Thank you for choosing me as one of your nominees! It has been a few months since I received an award, so I appreciate the recognition. Before I start answering questions, I need to list the rules for each award. Here are the following:

Blogger Recognition Award Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2.  Post the award banner on your blog.
  3.  Share the reason you started your blog.
  4. Share two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  5. Nominate a maximum of 15 other bloggers.
  6. Tell your nominees about the award post, so they can participate.
The Blogger Recognition Award banner found at Taking Up Room.

Since this is my fifth Blogger Recognition Award, I’ll provide a link to my very first blog post and my first Blogger Recognition Award post. Those articles explain why I started my blog.

Introducing Sally Silverscreen and 18 Cinema Lane

I Received my First Blogger Recognition Award!

Advice for New Bloggers

  1. Be kind to others – Behind every article is a person dealing with a variety of situations in life. Whenever you write on your blog or interact with bloggers, remember the Golden Rule: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
  2. Plan ahead – If you are participating in multiple blog events or would like to create certain posts within a given month, write those post ideas and all of the deadlines or dates you’d like to publish those posts down on a calendar. This is just one way to help you stay organized!

Before I reveal my nominees, let me list the rules and my answers for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
The Sunshine Blogger Award banner found at Taking Up Room.
  1. What’s your hope for 2021?

Anyone who has read my television show re-caps would know I’m a fan of When Calls the Heart. However, I have become a fan of The Crow as well. What would be the best way to bring the best of both worlds together? Having Bai Ling join the main cast of When Calls the Heart, portraying Hope Valley’s first female Mountie! Since the show’s inception, many characters with various backstories and personalities have found their way to Hope Valley. If the creative team decided to do this, it would be a perfect opportunity to not only introduce a new character and story, but also give an underrated actress more recognition!

2. What helped you stay sane in 2020?

Definitely writing and maintaining my blog. By doing those things, it gave me something to look forward to. My blog even reached 200 followers in 2020!

3. Are there any movies you’re looking forward to this year?

Either Fast and Furious 9 or the new mystery films from Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

4. You can visit any five celebrity homes from any era. Which ones would you pick?

One celebrity’s home that I find fascinating is Azusa Barbie’s! If you are not familiar with Azusa, she is a Youtuber who is also a Barbie collector. Azusa creates custom Barbie themed items as well, such as Barbie window blinds. Seeing her apartment in person would be so cool!

5. You’re about to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. What, if anything, would you take that the experts might frown on?

I would bring Creek Stewart from the Weather Channel show, SOS: HOW TO SURVIVE! During our hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, Creek could teach me how to survive in an emergency, even though the “experts” would think I was defeating the purpose of the hike itself.

6. Who are your three favorite film critics and why?

I don’t follow film critics as closely as other people do. However, if I had to choose three of them, they would be Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel, and myself.

Happy sun image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at

7. When you’re watching stuff other than movies, do you prefer YouTube and streaming services or traditional broadcast TV?

It depends on the program. I watch more movies than TV shows, but there are some shows I watch that are featured on traditional television, such as When Calls the Heart. Other times, I watch videos on Youtube that feature topics that interest me.

8. If you could adapt a TV show into a movie, which one would you pick and why?

The first scripted television show Hallmark ever created was Cedar Cove. In 2015, Hallmark Channel ended the showafter season three, with the season finale leaving the overall story on a cliff-hanger. Since then, fans of the show have been asking for a movie to wrap those storylines up. Even though this idea doesn’t seem to be placed very high on Hallmark’s list of priorities, a Cedar Cove movie would give the fans a sense of closure.

9. Which film prop or costume would you most like to own?

If I had to choose one item, it would be Grace Kelly’s weekend suitcase from Rear Window! I have always thought that suitcase was so cute and dainty. I believe the one used in the movie was sold at an auction. However, I wouldn’t be opposed to owning a replica.

10. Who is your favorite movie or TV couple? Your least favorite?

My favorite couple from pop culture is Dom and Letty from the Fast and Furious series! I like seeing their relationship progress over the course of the franchise. It also helps that their relationship is a healthy one, where we see Dom and Letty respecting one another and using cars and/or racing as a way to bring them closer together.

When I think about movie or TV couples I don’t like, Top Dollar and Myca’s relationship from The Crow comes to mind. To me, their relationship is so toxic, that the more I think about it, the worse it gets. I plan on writing an editorial in the near future about why I feel this way.

11. What was the last album you listened to?

Lately, I’ve listening to individual songs. But, from what I remember, the last album I listened to was The Bodyguard soundtrack.

Woman celebrating victory image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Gold vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at 

My 15 nominees

  • Lady Kelleth from Lady Kelleth
  • Paul from Disney Imagineering with Paul Pederson
  • Micky from Hobo Movie
  • Brooke and Danielle from Colorful Sisters
  • Indreya from Up!
  • SaaniaSparkle from
  • Marouabourni from Let’s talk
  • Jessey from Geekglamma
  • J-Dub from Dubsism
  • Aizen_Kuro from It’severythinganime
  • Drew from Drew’s Movie Reviews
  • American Girl Doll Crafter from Doll Days
  • Todd from Movies, Movies, Movies
  • Tim from Tim’s Ultimate Camping Blog
  • Kristen from K N Winiarski Writes

My Questions

  1. Do you have any hobbies outside of blogging? If so, what are they?
  2. What quarantine related activity are you still doing in 2021?
  3. Is there a film adaptation you feel is better than its source material? If so, what is it?
  4. How can you make 2021 brighter for a family member or friend?
  5. Do you watch Youtube videos? If so, which was the last one you watched?
  6. What is your favorite meal to have at home?
  7. What is the most recent purchase you made?
  8. Is there a movie prop or costume that you dislike? If so, what is it?
  9. How do you think the blogging landscape will change in the 2020s?
  10. Between 2000, 2010, and 2020, how different is creating content?
  11. Would you be interested in participating in my blogathon, the Olympic Dreams Blogathon?

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

Accepting my Fourth Blogger Recognition Award!

While the Legends of Western Cinema Week was just getting started, I was nominated for my fourth Blogger Recognition Award! Like my Sunshine Blogger Award nomination, I waited until after the aforementioned blogathon to officially accept my award. Before the start of any new blogging events, I’m taking this time to create my award post. This award was given to me by J-Dub, creator of the blog Dubsism! On this blog, you’ll find thorough articles about sports and film. J-Dub also has several interesting series, such as “Movies Everybody Loves That I Hate” and “Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies”. You can check out these and other articles at this link:

Thank you, J-Dub, for giving me my fourth Blogger Recognition Award! I appreciate your kind words and thoughtfulness. Before I start this award process, let me list the rules below:

#1: Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.

#2: Post the award banner on your blog.

#3: Share the reason you started your blog.

#4: Share two pieces of advice for new bloggers.

#5: Nominate a maximum of 15 other bloggers.

#6: Tell your nominees

Because this is the fourth time I’ve received this award, I’ll post a link to my very first blog post and my first Blogger Recognition Award post. I’m doing this to avoid repeating myself.

I Received my First Blogger Recognition Award!

Introducing Sally Silverscreen and 18 Cinema Lane

The first piece of advice I will give is to think before you post. Behind every keyboard is a human being with thoughts, feelings, and their own unique perspectives. There have also been stories where things said and done on the internet have negatively affected people in the long run. Every published post should be given a good amount of thought before it gets released to the public. My second piece of advice is always proofread your work. No writer is perfect, as there are going to be errors in almost any piece of writing. Taking the time to proofread articles before they are published will improve their overall quality.

Winner’s medal image created by Freepik at <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>. <a href=””>Gold vector created by Freepik</a>. Image found at

JJ Smith from Joanne Smith Marketing

Anderson Cox from Health Fitness and Diet

Kambrea from Pirates & Princesses

Rachel from Rachel’s Reviews

dbmoviesblog from dbmoviesblog

Tari from Cuddle Up With a Cozy Mystery

Kerry from I’ve Scene It on Hallmark

Allen Rizzi from allenrizzi

Joanna from Murder, She Watched

Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers

Luke from Luke Atkins – Film and Music Critic

Wandering Ambivert from Wandering Ambivert

Summer from Not Your Season: Summer’s Blog

Kim from Tranquil Dreams

K from K at the Movies

During The Legends of Western Cinema Week, I won Hamlette’s, from Hamlette’s Soliloquy, giveaway, where I won the John Wayne Hot Chocolate in the photo above. Once I’m finished with the hot cocoa, I will use this as a TBR (to be read) tin!

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

I Received My Third Blogger Recognition Award!

Six days ago, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award! Gill is a dynamic blogger who writes about multiple entertainment related topics. Realweegiemidget Reviews is also a go-to blog for blogathon news. If you’d like to check out this great site, you can visit this link:

Thank you, Gill, for this nomination! This blog is able to succeed because of thoughtful bloggers like you!

It’s now time for me to list the award’s official rules, which are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Place the award banner somewhere on your blog
  3. Share the reason behind the creation of your blog.
  4. Provide two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link their blogs.
  6. Share the exciting news with your nominees

Because I completed rules one and two, I can move on to rule number three!

3. Since this is my third time winning the Blogger Recognition Award, I’ll share the link to my first award of this kind. I’ll also share a link to my very first blog post. This is to prevent myself from sounding like a broken record.

I Received my First Blogger Recognition Award!

Introducing Sally Silverscreen and 18 Cinema Lane

4. My first piece of advice is to always remain humble. Blogging is a journey where you will experience ups and downs. While it’s nice to receive notoriety and praise, never forget what’s really important. My second piece of advice is never give up on yourself. Challenges will arise during your time blogging. As a blogger, there are times where I have had my doubts. However, I chose to remain consistent in what I wrote about and how often I published content. I can only for myself, but I believe this consistency has paid off!

5. Now is the time for me to nominate 15 bloggers for this award! This group of nominees are:

1. Eggsandwich04 from KS Blogs

2. No Time For Pants from No Time For Pants

3. Maameee from Pan Elixir

4. Janis from themomshiediaries

5. Cameron from The Blog Complainer

6. Allie from Often Off Topic

7. Eddie from Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)

8. Annlyel from Annlyel Online

9. Rich from Wide Screen World

10. Uzuri from 2 Sisters Online

11. Jason from Jason’s Movie Blog

12. James from This Is My Truth Now

13. Rick from Classic Film & TV Café

14. Annette from Hometowns to Hollywood

15. Dave from Endless Roaming

Star on red carpet image created by Freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at 

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

I Won My Second Blogger Recognition Award!

Last week, I received a special surprise from fellow blogger, Ospreyshire! They gave me my second Blogger Recognition Award! What a great way to start the new year! For those who don’t know, Ospreyshire created the blog, Iridium Eye Reviews. Films that don’t often get talked about are covered there. You might say that Ospreyshire is trying to give those projects their “standing ovation”. Before I list the rules for the Blogger Recognition Award, I just want to thank my nominator for their thoughtfulness. It’s nice to know that, in the movie blogging community, fellow bloggers look out for one another. If you want to read Ospreyshire’s articles or pay them a visit, here’s the link to their blog:

Blogger Recognition Award banner
Blogger Recognition Award banner found at

Now, it’s time for me to list the official rules, which are the following:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Place the award banner somewhere on your blog
  3. Share the story or history behind the creation of your blog.
  4. Provide two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 10 other bloggers and link their blogs.
  6. Share the exciting news with your nominees


Since I completed the first and second rules, let’s move on to rule number three!


  1. Because I have won this award before, I already shared the reason why I started 18 Cinema Lane. I also talked about this in my very first blog post. I’ll provide links to both of those articles:


  1. The first piece of advice is to stay true to yourself. The internet is a vast and expanding place, filled with thousands of movie related content. But, when everything is said and done, there will only be one you. Create a blog and a series of posts that truly reflect the unique individual that you are. The second piece of advice I’ll give is to always be on the lookout for inspiration. For me, I turn to other forms of media when I’m searching for ideas for future blog posts. There have even been times where I’ve gotten inspiration from Youtube videos. Be open to any and every possibility where inspiration may present itself.


  1. The next ten nominees who will receive the Blogger Recognition Award are the following:
  • Maddy from Maddy Loves Her Classic Films
  • Pale Writer from Pale Writer
  • Eric from Diary of a Movie Maniac
  • The Classic Movie Muse from The Classic Movie Muse
  • Zoe from Hollywood Genes
  • Hannes from Wandering Ambivert
  • Mark from Mark Arnold Blog
  • Lou from Space Time Bae
  • Meg from Hallmark in Real Life
  • Anglo from


Congratulations to these newly nominated bloggers!

Beautiful starry background image created by freepik at <a href=””>Background vector created by freepik –</a>. Image found at 


Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen

I Received my First Blogger Recognition Award!

Last month, I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Annlyel from Annlyel Online! Because I was out of town during the week I was nominated, I postponed my award post for another day. Since I now have the time to complete this post, I decided to do that today. Thank you Annlyel for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award! This is my first time receiving this honor, so I’m so excited to share this achievement with all my readers and followers! If you want to check out Annlyel’s thoughts on movies, superheroes, and cinematic news, visit her blog at this link:

Blogger Recognition Award banner
Blogger Recognition Award banner found at

Before I begin the official award post, I need to list the rules for receiving the award. There rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and feature a link to their blog in your award post.
  2. Post the award banner somewhere on your blog.
  3. Share the reason why you started your blog.
  4. Share two pieces of advice that could benefit new bloggers.
  5. Nominate a maximum of fifteen other bloggers.
  6. Tell your nominees about your award post so they can participate!


Since I’ve already completed the first two steps, I’ll now move on to the third step.


  1. As I said in my very first blog post last February, I wanted to give the movie related things that I like the “standing ovation” that I think they deserve. With this digital platform, I’ve realized that I can make a positive difference through my blog posts and interactions with others. If you want to learn more about why I started 18 Cinema Lane, you can read the first blog post I ever published.


  1. The first thing I would tell new bloggers is to type and save your posts in Microsoft Word first. Sometimes, the save option on the “add new post” page, which is located in the upper left-hand corner of the page, doesn’t record the changes you might make to your article. So, writing and saving your posts in Microsoft Word allows bloggers to have a sense of security that their work will get completed with few technical interruptions.


The second piece of advice I would give is to reach out to other bloggers, especially those that have the same interests as you. Fellow movie bloggers have become followers of mine because I reached out and recognized their hard work and dedication. Reaching out to other bloggers can also give you inspiration for future blog entries. One example for me is Cameron’s article, from The Blog Complainer, about making good movie sequels. This creative idea inspired me to think more critically about Queen of the Damned as a cinematic sequel, as I was able to apply some of Cameron’s points to my review of the film. If you want to learn more about how good movie sequels can be made, as well as how Cameron’s article influenced my movie-viewing experience, you can read these two articles:


  1. The next fifteen nominees for the Blogger Recognition Award are:
  • Bernie from Reely, Bernie?
  • Tiffany and Rebekah from Pure Entertainment Preservation Society
  • Rachel from Rachel’s Reviews
  • Roxy from RTW Roxy
  • Marissa from Marissa the Cinephile
  • Ruth from My Devotional Thoughts
  • Edirin from Retro Movie Buff
  • Quiggy from The Midnite Drive-In
  • Le from Critica Retro
  • JustSoYouDon’tHaveTo from JustSoYouDon’tHaveTo
  • Kaycee from Nest + Hustle
  • Jenni from Portraitsbyjenni
  • Joanna from Christmas TV History
  • The Stop Button from The Stop Button


Congratulations to all of the newly nominated bloggers!

Hand holding trophy
Hand holding gold trophy image created by Macrovector at <a href=””>Background vector created by macrovector –</a>. Image found at

Have fun at the movies!

Sally Silverscreen